5 Things To Know If You Want to Buy, Sell, or Trade your Car

Do you have an old car sitting in your driveway? Has it gotten you through years of ups and downs? Maybe you have some great memories with your old car? Sure, it may be hard to get rid of it. But if it’s time to sell your old Mustang Sally, you’ll be better off for […]

DIY: How to Replace Your Car’s Windshield

Perhaps a vandal whacked your windshield and caused nasty spider-webbing. Or maybe a peeved ex smashed your windshield out of spite. Whatever the ultimate cause, you now have a big project on your hands: to replace that windshield fast so you can drive safely.

Wondering When to Replace Your Brake Pads?

  Fewer auto component breakdowns are as ulcer-inducing as brake failures. Whether you narrowly avoided an accident on the highway when your brakes suddenly failed in the freeway; or you’re concerned because your brakes have been squeaking, squealing, groaning, or making other disconcerting noises, you need professional attention, ASAP. Here are some things to keep […]